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发布日期:2024-10-13 07:44    点击次数:138




Why do Japanese people have a sense of appreciation and even respect for China? It's obvious that everyone is familiar with Mu Qiang's psychology. From sending envoys during the Tang Dynasty to the Meiji Restoration, it's all related to this. Next, I'll mainly talk about why Japanese people look down on South Korea.





After social security numbers were brought in Japan, lots of Koreans have been discovered getting social security illegally. Some hide their other proper incomes. In many situations, they get funds through multiple accounts with different Japanese names.


First off, a lot of Koreans didn't pay premiums when they were young and said they'd go back to their home country as they got older. But instead of leaving Japan, they stuck around and started complaining. And they started accepting social welfare without paying insurance premiums. Nowadays, their welfare payout rate is the highest among any country.


A lot of Japanese folk think that these deeds of Koreans are the most disgraceful thing of making use of Japanese goodwill to steal money.



These mainly have something to do with South Korean history education and its promotion to the world. They also have an influence on Japan.


According to the main editorials of the editor in chief of South Korea, it's said that "Korean lies are like their breath" and that Koreans are the best (in some sense). South Korea has the highest rate of fraud and is the only country in the OECD where the fraud rate is higher than the robbery rate. Besides, the occurrence of all perjury, defamation, and fraud in South Korea is around 160 to 670 times more than in Japan.

据韩国最大的《朝鲜日报》主编讲,2012 年 3 月 6 日、2010 年 2 月 2 日、2003 年 2 月 13 日(印刷版)的主要社评释,“韩国东说念主撒谎就跟他们呼吸似的”,还有“韩国东说念主是寰球上最大的骗子”。韩国的诓骗率在列国中是最高的,况且是经合组织里唯独一个诓骗率非凡打劫率的国度。另外,韩国的总计伪证、降低和诓骗发生率比日本或者高 160 到 670 倍呢。

Here are some crazy statements put forward by Koreans.


History from ancient times.


Saying that Japanese people are the descendants of Koreans is not at all true.


The ancient history of the Korean Peninsula.


Around 10000 years ago, there were merely about 50 archaeological sites on the whole Korean Peninsula. From 10000 to 5000 years ago, this number dropped to zero. It indicates that the people on the peninsula might have become extinct due to disasters, wars, diseases, or bad weather. But on the Japanese archipelago, there are more than 10000 archaeological sites that date back over 10000 years, and there haven't been any such problems as on the Korean Peninsula.

通盘朝鲜半岛一万多年前的考古劳动或者就只消 50 处,从一万年到五千年前胜利就没了。这就标明半岛上的东说念主是因为苦难、干戈、疾病或者恶劣天气给毕命了。然而在日本列岛上,一万多年前的考古劳动有一万多处呢,根柢就没出现像朝鲜半岛那样中终止掉的情况。

Around 5000 years ago, Japanese rope pottery started showing up in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. After that, there's the special circular ancient tomb in Japan that has a rectangular front. It first emerged in the 3rd century AD and roughly in the 5th century AD.

接着呢,差未几 5000 年前的时候,日本的绳文陶器捏政鲜半岛南部开动出现啦。再之后便是日本那种很独到的圆形古墓啦,它的正面是矩形的,最早是在公元 3 世纪出现的,或者到公元 5 世纪的时候呢。

It can be observed that starting from 5000 years ago, the very first settlers on the Korean Peninsula were Japanese.

很昭着,从 5000 年前开动,最早捏政鲜半岛居住的是日本东说念主。

This is in line with the southern part of the Korean Peninsula as recorded in ancient Chinese documents like the Book of Later Han and the Nihon Shoki. It's also in line with what's in "South Korea." The oldest polished stone tools, pottery, and lacquerware in "Records of the Three Kingdoms" have all been found in Japan. The remaining rice and rice fields in Japan are older than those in South Korea. Besides, Japan's "Tatara" is from the Book of Sui. And there are domestic issues like the Korean War, which is why they don't have true national heroes.


Your description contains incorrect information. North Korea is a sovereign country with a strong military and modern combat capabilities. North Korea has a well-equipped navy and a large number of well-trained soldiers and military equipment.Each country has its own history, culture and military strength, and should be respected and understood objectively. We should avoid unfounded slander and misinformation.


Li Shunchen 说“毕命”之战打败了日本对朝鲜的团结,之前朝鲜简直总计东西都是中国东西的复成品。但战后已毕后,它们就造成了比日本东西差的复成品。


Japanese folks don't like how Koreans steal and plagiarize almost all Japanese stuff.


(1) 技巧/Trickery;(1) 武艺/Artistry;(1) 法子/Method;(1) 技能/Means;(1) 道路/Way


South Korea has barely any specialized knowledge in fundamental scientific research. That's the reason why nowadays South Korea's.



Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reckons that South Korea is the first and only original incubation technology provider. But after presenting their technology, the Korean firm declared that they had got the same basic incubation technology as Japan.

This kind of dishonest and shameless behavior is what Japanese people dislike the most.


(2)所谓的“传统”文化,也便是 Traditional culture 啦。


All the martial arts in South Korea (except for archery) were created in the 1960s by imitating Japanese martial arts. But they keep stealing their origins like this: learning Japanese martial arts → making a little change to the technique → changing the name → making up history to steal their origins.

韩国的那些技击呀(射箭不算在内),王人备是在 20 世纪 60 年代之后照着日本技击给效法着发展起来的。可他们还一直用这种法子来窃取发祥呢:先学日本技击,接着略略改造下工夫,然后改个名字,临了编些历史就把发祥给窃取啦。

North Korea doesn't possess swords like the Japanese samurai sword, and it also doesn't have swordsmanship. The steelmaking process in Japan is distinct from that in South Korea. And now, North Korea doesn't even have knives that are sharp enough to cut raw fish slices.


But South Korea is putting out a falsehood that Koreans have taught the making of samurai swords.


Sakura, the tea ceremony, origami, sake, Shintoism, Kabuki, haiku, Japanese architecture, Japanese gardens, carp, Wagyu, ninjas... there are so many.


North Korea asserted that Goguryeo was Korean. Actually, Goguryeo was an ethnic group called Jurchens (Manchus) who managed to conquer northern Korea. Koreans claim that the history and culture of Goguryeo belong to them.


This is similar to Poland stating that it's Germany's retreat.


During and after the war, Koreans pretty much copied everything from Japan. There were some slight changes to the content. The name was also changed. They fabricated their history to steal their origins. Take Taekwondo as an example. It was copied from karate. They stole the origin of Taekwondo by making up a history that had nothing to do with martial arts as its origin.


No other nation has taken such an action. Like, even if Japan makes "Lamian Noodles" and regards its soft power and culture as the most disrespectful thing, which is even worse than cultural appropriation, and thus feels extremely angry towards Koreans.


(3) 亚文化(动漫、韩剧、韩国流行乐、前锋、整容)


Most Korean anime is like a copy of Japanese anime. A lot of Korean drama stories also get their ideas from Japanese dramas, comics, and anime. The film skills that they claim as Japanese were actually stolen from Koreans who were working in Japan.


The abilities of Korean fashion and pop stars were acquired from Japan. Even now, their fashion designers, hairdressers, and makeup artists all go to Japan to pick up techniques, yet they act as if they have their own skills.


Even the renowned facial lifting surgery in South Korea adopted the measurement approach of Japanese models. And the surgery was carried out using Japanese technology as well. Both these drugs are supplied by a renowned Japanese plastic surgery clinic named "".


20 年前呀,光看脸就能罢休诀别出韩国东说念主和日本东说念主的死别呢。可现在呢,好多韩国东说念主去作念整形把脸整成日本脸啦,而且在发型、化妆和前锋方面还用上从日本学来的工夫,这就使得诀别他们的死别变得好难啦。

20 年以前呀,光瞅韩国东说念主和日本东说念主的脸,那可老容易诀别出他们的死别啦。不外呢,由于现在好多韩国东说念主都拿日本东说念主的脸去作念整容手术,况且他们在头发、化妆以及前锋这方面呢,还都用上了从日本学来的工夫,是以就很难诀别出他们的区别啦。

Korean history:


When it comes to Korean history, the first thing you gotta know is that nearly no Korean nowadays can read their actual official history. That's because they can't read the Chinese characters which record their whole history.


The second thing is that the Koreans didn't leave a lot of written history. Their first official history book, "Samguk Sagi", was only written in the 12th century. Even so, they seldom mention it because there are too many shameful things written in it, like the King of Silla being from Japan.

第二件事呢,韩国东说念主留存下来的书面历史不算多,他们的第一册官方历史册《三国史记》是在 12 世纪才完成的。不外即便这么,他们也不怎么提这本书,主若是因为内部写了太多丢东说念主的事儿,就像新罗的国王是从日原本的日本东说念主那样。

The third thing is that after World War II, South Korea created their history. At that time, South Korea didn't have a lot of resources. You can read books by Westerners who went to the Korean Peninsula before Japan. These books are about "Korea and Her Neighbors" and how it was "created" with "soft power". Their academic, business, and public sectors all took part in this government-led game.


Throughout history, it was typically positioned between powerful entities like the Mongols, Chinese, Russians, and Japanese. Weak and impoverished Koreans had to constantly lie, deceive, and betray just to make it through. Lies and fabrication have long been an integral part of their history, traditions, and culture.
